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Consulting and DD

There are numerous wind farm projects for sale available on the market. To be able to evaluate their potential and value a complex study has to be performed that analyzes every single aspect of the project- from technical through legal to economical.

Below please find details of our offer:
  • Land lease contract analysis
  • Wind farm afrea analysis (site visits, spacing)
  • Building permit and other administrative decisions analysis (validity)
  • Zoning plans analysis (validity, restrictions)
  • Environmental report and permit (guidelines abidance, validity, restrictions)
  • Wind conditions (wind measurement, data analysis, productivity analysis)
  • Grid connection analysis (connection conditions and contract)
  • Project basic legal documents analysis (company structure, financial condition)
  • Preparation of contracts with subcontractors (architects, turbine manufacturers, building contractors)
  • Preaparation of project finance
  • Preparation of service contracts
  • Preparation of energy sales contracts

Resources and knowledge of CIBET REenergy allowed to offer a complex service of Due Diligence of wind farm projects on any stage of development from green field to already built projects.

Please contact us! We will prepare offer cutout to your needs!