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Own technology portfolio

Search for new ecological energy sources and development of wood combustion technology created opportunities for construction of modern fully automated boiler plants fuelled by woodchips or by other comminuted wood fuel. Woodchips are cheap, ecologic and renewable fuel that can successfully replace fossil fuels like coal, heating oil or natural gas. Locally produced fuel woodchips also contribute to development of the region, e.g. by creating new job places.

In this regard our offer includes the following:

  • consulting on energetic use of solid biomass
  • working out of a comprehensive feasibility study with different scenarios
  • financing of investments
  • turnkey carrying out of investments, e.g. boiler plants fuelled by biomass
  • delivery of TROMATIC technology using grinded wood biomass as fuel
  • guarantee and after guarantee service for TROMATIC technology

Our experience succeeded is a series of boiler plants realized as a general contractor in turnkey system, among them the largest project of 6 MWt in Borne Sulinowo.

Contact us! We will prepare offer cutout to your needs!